Real Time GPS Tracker – friends & family members Safe zone by N45

Real-time GPS trackers are incredibly useful for keeping an eye on our friends and family.

Best Real Time GPS Tracker – Locate Family, Friends Secure Chat and Safe Zone 

Real Time GPS Tracker - friends & family members Safe zone
Real Time GPS Tracker – friends & family members Safe zone

In today’s generation, safety is very important for our family. And it is the responsibility of everyone in our family to take care of the younger siblings first. This real-time GPS tracker app can be a great workout, whether it’s our sister, our brother, or any of our family members who are missing. Some people don’t know how to share location from WhatsApp, but by installing this app, we can easily find out the location ourselves.

Why Using Location Tracker App?!

During lockdown, we don’t have the idea of sending our location to our relatives or family members. At such times, we can bring our family into the safe zone ourselves.We can independently find out their location, go to them, and save them.

Landmark Zone Alerts 📌

This app provides security to your children. This app will immediately inform you if your children go out after school. You can mark your child’s school in this app. And another thing is that it will immediately notify you if anyone enters that location.

💌Chat With Friends and Family members 

If our children encounter any problems when they go out, we can communicate directly through this app. By talking like that, we can get our children out of trouble faster.We can create a group in this app and add our family members to that group.By adding our family members to that group, we can communicate much faster.

🔻Very Fast Real Time GPS 🚀

You can easily track the location of your family from time to time in this app, so your family will be very safe. No matter how far away our friends and family members are, with this one app, we can feel as if they are right in front of us every second, every minute, and we can be careful.

🚨Find a location near By you.🚧

Mark the locations you need around you. Even if you make a mistake in the location, you can easily reach your destination through this GPS tracker.You can quickly reach the places you frequent, such as restaurants, gas stations, and more, around you.


Overall, we can independently protect our family’s safety with this app. Some god won’t come and save your children, your friends, your family members, you have to protect yourself all the time.Similarly, even if you forget your phone somewhere, you can track your mobile phone through this app and retrieve it very quickly.

Real time GPS Tracker
Real time GPS Tracker

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